The Mod's Book Squad

Brew a cup of tea or pour a glass of your favourite drink, and snuggle in with a good book. Oh, and you can discuss the book with at least two friends -- The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of The United Church of Canada, and her guest – in one of Canada’s biggest book clubs.   

Starting Sept. 21, 2023 and ending in June 2025, these (mostly) monthly book club sessions will feature fiction, non-fiction and poetry written by (mostly) Canadian authors. Through a lens of flourishing, the books explore:  

  • Dreaming, utopias and dystopias 

  • The environment and resource extraction 

  • Urban/rural difference of experience 

  • Reconciliation 

  • Poverty 

  • The theology of The United Church of Canada 

There will be bold ideas. There will be daring connections. There will be content you can dig your teeth into. And guaranteed, there will be laughter. Because the Mod is like that.  

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