About us
CHURCHx strives to keep you connected to the most relevant material for the 21st century church. CHURCHx is a Christian community of learners and educators, disciples and dissenters, pioneers, and prophets. Our ecumenical partners are creating courses that are intended for self-study, continuing education, and professional development. CHURCHx uses a missional focus to help flourish innovative ministry around the church.

CHURCHx believes that in the Kingdom of God it is important to build each other up. This platform consists of a web of relationships collaborating together to connect ministries and leaders to valuable learning courses. Whether you are interested in theological scholarship, theories of change for ministries, social justice ministries, or more, CHURCHx has you covered.
The online community is a place for you to learn and collaborate with other church leaders to create your own journey of self-discovery. This platform is important because of its collaborative approach. The CHURCHx environment is accessible for learners and offers a variety of learning experiences in an immersive environment.