Called to Be the Church: The Journey
a stewardship program from the Philanthropy Unit of The United Church . Inspire and Invite Generosity!

Each course has a specific focus enabling you to set goals, create a plan, and be successful, and includes both learning and practical elements.
Your stewardship journey begins with the “Getting Started in Stewardship” course. Communities of faith that start here have better success on their stewardship journey. The 90-minute session and 3 follow-up assignments get you ready to proceed.
Where you go from here depends on your needs.
Choose “Set Up Your Giving Program” if you want to jump right in and carry out a Stewardship Giving program in your community of faith in the next 6-7 months.
Choose “Stewardship Best Practices” for in-depth learning and growth, as you develop a year-round stewardship plan for your community of faith.
Choose “Bequests and Estate Gifts” to set up a Planned Legacy Giving program for your community of faith.
Whichever you choose, you will spend focused time with a Stewardship specialist and folks from other communities of faith. Be inspired by a program with a proven track record and receive coaching and on-going support that reflects your community of faith’s unique calling, focus, and resources.
To find out more about each course, including dates and times, team requirements, cohort limits, and program details, please go to the specific course information page below.