The Partner's Path

The mission of The Partner’s Path is to provide an interfaith place of connection and soul care for spouses of clergy in the Episcopal Church, so that the diversity of gifts they possess might be offered more fully to the world.

Navigating the Unique Journey of Episcopal Clergy Spouses 

Support for YOUR path.The Partner's Path recognizes that while each person’s experience is unique, many people married to Episcopal clergy have experienced a profound change in their relationship with the church. If you previously considered the church a place of nourishment, this shift can mean a sense of loss—even grief—and it can become difficult to fully use your gifts in the church that is also your spouse’s place of employment. 

Clergy and spouse gathering.If you are not Episcopalian or even Christian, there may be pressure to show up or participate in ways that are not comfortable or authentic to who you are.

We want to support the spouses of the clergy in this uncertain space so that they are heard, valued, and can build relationships of support. In addition, we believe The Episcopal Church will be strengthened and vitalized by providing nationwide support for its clergy spouses.

In pursuit of that goal, The Partner's Path provides online and local tools to connect clergy spouses with each other through both classes and retreats designed not only to give you tools to navigate the church but to care for your own soul and nourish the unique gifts you have to offer the world. We also publish articles and collect resources from around the church. If you have resources you would like to share please contact us!