United in Learning: Boundaries Courses

These courses meet the requirements for mandatory training in the Creating Safe and Respectful Environments Policy and Procedures, for Ministry Personnel, Candidates, and Licensed Lay Worship Leaders.

These courses meet the requirements for mandatory training in the Creating Safe and Respectful Environment Policy and Procedures, for Ministry Personnel, Candidates, and Licensed Lay Worship Leaders. The programs will also address the Ethical Standards and Standards of Practice for Ministry Personnel. 

We'll explore some of the common boundary issues that can emerge in the practice of ministry, and discuss how to expand our repertoire of strategies for dealing with situations that can require careful judgment. The courses will be an opportunity to discuss best practices with others in church leadership across the country; find out how others cope with complicated boundary issues; and reflect on how to ensure that the church continues to be a safe and hospitable place for everyone.

We'll use some video clips from FaithTrust Institute, and case studies developed from real-life ministry settings in Canada to spark small group discussion. The sessions use the online Zoom platform, which allows for both plenary presentations and small group discussion. Before the course, you will receive the connection information and material to review in preparation.

If you have NOT yet done a course in Personal and Professional Boundaries, either online with United-in-Learning or face-to-face with one of our Regional Staff, please register for the "Introductory" course.


Refresher Courses:

As of July 1, 2017 all Ministry Personnel and Licensed Lay Worship Leaders in The United Church of Canada are required to "refresh" their credential in Personal & Professional Boundaries every five years. We have designed shorter refresher courses to allow people who have already completed the introductory course to keep their credentials current. These refresher courses use case studies focused on a specific aspect of ministry.

Participants can acquire the necessary re-certification by taking ANY ONE refresher course; there is no need to take more than one every five years.

Each of our 2.5-hour refresher courses also provides an update on Creating Safe and Respectful Environment Policy and Procedures

Lay Leaders who are seeking to be a paid worship leader should refer to the Minister courses in the catalogue. 

Waiting List

All of these courses are offered 3-4 times a year. If the program you'd like to take is showing dates in the past, you can still click through to the course description. From there, you'll get the option to go onto a waiting list. We'll notify all those on the waiting list when new dates are posted.


The tuition fee for the Introductory course is $49.99, and for the Refresher courses (2.5 hours) is $29.99. If you are a lay person or a Licensed Lay Worship Leader, please pay this amount.

In some Provinces, employers may not charge employees for mandatory educational programs. Accordingly, if you are Ministry Personnel, you're welcome to adjust the fee to $0 when you check out, if you choose to. If you choose to contribute to the costs of offering these courses anyway, thank you!