This four-week lesson dives into the second Creation story in Genesis; the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Walk through themes of opportunities, forgiveness, creating promises and covenants, and learning from our mistakes.
This course offers you and your children’s ministry leaders an ongoing learning community. Cluster members receive weekly resources, group training sessions plus weekly group meetings to share wisdom, challenges, and successes.
The Christian Mysteries is an intellectual exploration of four of the central mysteries of Christianity: the Trinity, the Incarnation, the work of Atonement, and grace.
The Father of Lights: A Theology of Beauty is a deep reflection on beauty from a theological standpoint.
Lessons in how to have hard conversations with children through a faith-based lens.
Exploring the theological dimensions, meaning, and uses of the human sense of wonder.
a place to talk about the joys and struggles of Rural Ministry