Code de conduite

CHURCHx Code of Conduct for Members (learners, teachers, and administrators) 

All members of the CHURCHx community must: 

  • Respect the dignity of every human being 

  • the differences in people, their ideas, and opinions 

  • the diversity of theological, political, and social orientations 

  • the legal rights of others 

  • The physical and mental well-being of others 

  • others need to work in an environment that is conducive to learning, spiritual formation, and teaching in an online setting 

  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity in their interactions and work. 

  • Be always courteous and polite, especially in electronic exchanges, remembering that forums and chats threads are public and not places to hold what would be considered private conversations. 

  • Respect the integrity of all online systems and networks 

  • Adhere to all copyright laws for material both on and off of CHURCHx 

  • Honour the personal information and privacy of others 

  • Be active and engaged participants in the learning programs 

  • Be accountable for off-platform conduct towards people you meet here  

  • Follow directions from teaching and administrative staff 

  • Behave in a manner that respects the moral tone of CHURCHx 

  • Treat the content of CHURCHx as private copyrighted intellectual property belonging to its creators and instructors and do everything to safeguard that content from malicious use. 

  • Obtain written permission first before using the copyrighted intellectual property found on CHURCHx. 

  • Use your own identity with integrity by only using your own login credentials for CHURCHx and keeping it private and for your own personal use. 

  • Keep the platform healthy and stable by protecting it from viruses and malware. 

  • Maintain your Academic Integrity which would be compromised by: Cheating (the act or attempted act of deception, in which a participant falsely represents that he or she has learned information in an academic exercise including unauthorized collaboration with others.); Plagiarism (representing the words, data or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.); orâ¯Collusionâ¯(intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit academic misconduct such as substituting for a test or completing an assignment for someone else or collaborating with others while taking online tests or a similar summative evaluation.) 

Members can expect freedom to use the platform as expected when they adhere to this Code of Conduct and appropriate and progressive discipline when they violate this Code of Conduct. Such discipline may simply result in their login privileges being revoked. However, depending on the severity of the violation we reserve the right to refer any violation to the public authorities should it call for it. 

For more information contact  

The Rev’d Tay Moss  
Coordinator of the Innovative Ministry Centre