
$250.00 USD

The Christian Mysteries is an intellectual exploration of four of the central mysteries of Christianity: the Trinity, the Incarnation, the work of Atonement, and grace.
This item includes:
12 Live hours
12 On-your-own hours
6 Live sessions

The Christian Mysteries

English ‎(en)‎

$250.00 USD

The Christian Mysteries is an intellectual exploration of four of the central mysteries of Christianity: the Trinity, the Incarnation, the work of Atonement, and grace.
This item includes:
12 Live hours
12 On-your-own hours
6 Live sessions

The truth of God's being exceeds any ability to grasp. And yet, for that very reason, it offers an inexhaustible richness to our thinking. This infinite richness and complexity is the only thing that will satisfy minds designed to contemplate unceasingly, and hearts designed to feast on wonder.

And yet there is a strand in the Christian tradition that shrinks away from wonder, seeing it as a "No Trespassing" sign, an indicator that you are on holy ground and should proceed no further. As a popular internet video puts it:

"The Trinity is a mystery that cannot be understood by human reason, but is understood only through faith and is best confessed in the words of the Athanasian Creed, which states that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in unity, neither confusing the persons nor dividing the substance, that we are compelled by the Christian truth to confess that each distinct person is God and Lord, and that the deity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is one, equal in glory, co-equal in majesty."

But this is but the barest outline of the doctrine of the Trinity: it tells you where you may not trespass, but does not get on to contemplating the mystery intellectually. It warns that the Trinity cannot be understood by human reason, thereby implying to many that it ought not to be discussed by human reason. But understanding is manifold: while the Trinity cannot be exhaustively known, it can be known; while it cannot ever be comprehended, it may be apprehended in an ever-increasing asymptotic approach by rigorous and reverent work.

Yes, the mysteries are holy ground. But that doesn't mean that we are forbidden to go forward: it means we must take off our shoes.

With this in mind, This course will explore the deep mysteries of the Christian faith: the Trinity, the Incarnation, the work of atonement, and grace. We will do so in conversation with great theologians of the past and in reverence before the great Truth to whom all these mysteries refer. What you will find will be the next layer of theological depth that will propel your worship of God with your mind on to new heights.

Come: enter into the mystery.