This month, you are invited to explore stories of Jesus’ early
life. Included in this four-week lesson is the visit of the Magi, Jesus’ own
baptism, Jesus performing his first miracle at a wedding in Cana, and his
proclamation of the coming of the kingdom of God. All these events provide
simple, yet profound glimpses into who Jesus is and what God-given gifts we all
carry. This month let’s explore Jesus’ divine beginnings together, to see what
we can learn from the stories
encourage you to put together a lesson that works best with your group's needs
(ages, energy levels, one room/multi room, etc.) Reach out if you have any
questions or need any guidance.
Curriculum Structure:
- Includes weekly lessons, specially made music with chords and lyrics.
- All curriculum is designed with theology and beliefs on justice, openness, diversity, and love.
- Designed to be used during the season of Epiphany but can be used any time of year.
- Designed for elementary aged children, with bonus content for youth groups.
- Content designed for print or web use.