
$99.99 CAD

Suggested Amount
Learn the basics of preparing worship services for All Ages and Special Events
This item includes:
12 Live hours
24 On-your-own hours
6 Live sessions
3 On-your-own videos
2 Downloadable resources

DEMO LLWL Online Training: Unit 4 - All Ages & Special Services

February - May 2026

English ‎(en)‎

$99.99 CAD

Learn the basics of preparing worship services for All Ages and Special Events
This item includes:
12 Live hours
24 On-your-own hours
6 Live sessions
3 On-your-own videos
2 Downloadable resources

Upon completion of this unit, the participant will have:

  • crafted elements of a worship service that:
    • emerge from the participant’s spiritual practice of listening to scripture
    • are based on scripture readings from the lectionary for the season of Creation or Ordinary Time
    • engage the whole worshipping community through experiential, participatory,  image-rich and connective elements
    • have been used in worship services where the participant has received feedback  from people in the worship service and from other participants in the course
    • reflect the United Church’s commitment to inclusive language and intercultural sensitivity
  • become familiar with theological themes related to the season of Creation/Ordinary Time such as creation, covenant and discipleship, the Triune God, and eschatology.
  • studied the role of sacraments in Christian worship
  • begun to develop a list of resources for special services

Orientation Webinar

Monday February 5, 2024     7:30 - 8:30 pm ET 

Each Unit begins with an Orientation Session to help students become familiar with the technology we're using for the course. This is mandatory for new students and optional for everyone else.

Christine Jerrett and Stephen Fetter (of United-in-Learning) will introduce you to:

  • how the online LLWL training program works
  • Our online meeting platform
  • How to post assignments and comment on each other's work

Introductory Webinar

Wednesday February 7, 2024  7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

(view the start time for the Introductory Webinar in each of Canada's time zones)

The Very Rev. Dr.  Richard Bott will introduce the topics that will be the focus of our study in this Unit.

Six Small Group Meetings

Small groups meet every two weeks over a 12 week span

Every two weeks students are assigned 3-6 readings, videos or podcasts. Students will be asked to read/view these during the first week of each 2-week section, and write a short reflection on each of these which will be posted in a threaded discussion forum. During the second week of each 2-week section students are asked to comment on the posts of at least 2 other people in their small group.

Each 2-week section culminates with a "live" meeting on Zoom of your small group.

In Winter/Spring 2024 we're offering 5 different small group meeting times. You'll be asked to select your group when you register. Groups will fill up on a first-come first-served basis. Here are the group meeting times:

  1. Mondays 2:00 - 3:30pm ET -- Christine Smaller's Section (Feb 19, March 4, March 18, Apr 8, Apr 22, May 6)
  2. Mondays 6:30 - 8pm ET -- Teresa Burnett-Cole Section (Feb 19, March 4, March 18, Apr 8, Apr 22, May 6)
  3. Tuesdays 4 - 5:30 pm ET -- Christine Smaller Tuesday Section
  4. Tuesdays 7 - 8:30 pm ET -- Aaron Miller Section (Feb 20, March 5, March 19, Apr 9, Apr 23, May 7)
  5. Wednesdays 7:30 - 9pm ET -- Joy Bott Section (Feb 21, March 6, March 20, Apr 10, Apr 24, May 8)
  6. Thursdays 12 noon - 1:30pm ET -- Michael Brooks Section  (Feb 22, March 7, March 21, Apr 11, Apr 25, May 9)