

Are you engaged, or interested, in interfaith dialogue and work locally? Come and connect with other United Church people from across the country to share your stories and gather wisdom about local interfaith dialogue, relationships, and events.
This item includes:
1.5 Live hours

Grassroots Interfaith Dialogue: What's Working

February 13, 2025 7:00 pm-8:30 pm ET

English ‎(en)‎


Are you engaged, or interested, in interfaith dialogue and work locally? Come and connect with other United Church people from across the country to share your stories and gather wisdom about local interfaith dialogue, relationships, and events.
This item includes:
1.5 Live hours

February 13, 2025 7:00pm-8:30pm ET

See the start times in each of Canada's Time Zones

Are you engaged in interfaith dialogue and work locally? Do you rub shoulders with rabbis, have lunch with a local Imam, or plan events with leaders of other faiths in your area? Are you, or your congregation, working with spiritual leaders who are not Christian, to develop relationships and shared activities?

Or are you interested in starting? Do you want to hear from others who are already involved?

The Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee wants to support you in this important ministry!

Come and connect with other United Church people from across the country to share your stories and gather wisdom about local interfaith dialogue, relationships, and events. What’s exciting that you want to share? What’s working? What challenges do you encounter?

In this 90-minute live webinar we will:

  • Hear some stories of grassroots interfaith work that is happening today in various parts of the country,
  • Share in small groups some of your hopes, dreams and successes
  • Reflect together on the barriers and challenges that many of us have encountered when we’ve tried to engage in this kind of work, and the ways we have found to address those
  • Dream about how grassroots work like yours could be better encouraged and supported by the national church, so that your efforts have the resources they need to thrive.

Members of the national Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee are hosting this gathering and are eager to connect with you and hear more about your experiences.

But we really want to hear from you! When you sign up for this program, please let us know what you’re already involved in. We’re sure there’s more happening at a grassroots level than any of us is aware of! And please let us know, too, if you’d be willing to share a story or two from your interfaith experience.

Let’s learn from each other, and celebrate all the ways that spirituality is making a difference in our pluralistic culture.

Your Hosts

Rev. Lilian Patey, was born in Haifa Palestine, and works for Justice and Peace for all. Lilian is a retired United Church Minister, and was also active as an Interim Minister.

Rev. Dr. Hyuk Cho, is an Associate Professor and the Director of United Church Formation and Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology. His research focuses on the history and theology of the United Church, intercultural theology, inter-religious dialogue, missiology, ecumenism, and diakonia. He is the author of two forthcoming books, Relation without Relation: Intercultural Theology as Decolonizing Mission Practice and Decolonizing Diakonia: From Servanthood to Companionship (co-authored with JungHee Park), by Peter Lang.

Rev. Dr. Michelle Voss, is professor of theology at Emmanuel College in Toronto. As principal of Emmanuel College (2018-2021), she led the faculty through the consolidation of its multi-religious programs. She has the privilege of teaching the required first-year multi-faith cohort course on interfaith leadership at Emmanuel, which is a regular learning lab in dialogue and practice.