A monthly series for Church Treasurers
4th Wednesday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 pm ET
Join us every month for keep up to date on the latest news and advice for treasurers, trustees, payroll contacts and more.
The “business of church” is
complicated. Whether you’re wondering about the latest government
grants, or looking for advice on
leasing space, maintaining a big property, or the best practices around
managing a cemetery, there will be something for you here. This group
began in the pandemic as a place for Treasurers to hear from our
denomination’s Chief Financial Officer. It has proven so popular that
we’re expanding the scope of programming and the variety of presenters.
Everyone enrolled in the program will receive monthly updates before each live session.
You'll also find a discussion forum where you can post questions and
comments between our live meetings. Posts to the discussion forum are
emailed to everyone who's enrolled in this course, so you can carry on
the conversation between meetings.
Schedule for Fall 2024
September 25
October 23
November 27
All the programs are recorded, and the recordings are stored at the course page together with any handouts and PowerPoint slides that were used during the presentation. Enrol in the course, and you'll have access to all of this. If you only want to watch the recordings, without access to the back up resources, you can view these at the United-in-Learning YouTube Channel
Erik Mathiesen
is the recently retired Executive Office of Finance for the United Chreasurer of the Board of Trustees in his own local congregation. While he's stepped down from most of his national responsibilities, we're delighted that he will continue to resource the webinars in this series. He is committed to helping church
treasurers and other volunteers navigate the increasingly complex world
of charity compliance, as simply as possible. Erik liaises with the
Canada Revenue Agency Charities Directorate regularly on behalf of
United Church entities.
Clyde Harris is
a partner in Alwyn Enterprises (a bookkeeping service used by many of
our communities of faith), The Treasurer for Ebenezer United Church in
Scarborough and the former Treasurer for Toronto Southeast Presbytery.
An expert on United Church Finances, he has led workshops for church
treasurers for more than twenty years in the Toronto area, and more
recently online in the United-in-Learning “Webinars for Church
Treasurer’s” Series. Clyde enjoys talking with church treasurers to help
them to fulfil their roles.
Rev. Stephen Fetter
is the Minister of Forest Hill United Church in Toronto, and Manager of
the United in Learning program from the General Council Office. He
hosts these meetings, and brings his perspective as a congregational
minister of 37 years’ experience to bear on all aspects of church